lunes, 3 de enero de 2011

la instalación va dirigida al hombre como animal o como hombre civilizado (I believe I found the missing link between animal and civilized man. It is us. -Konrad Lorenz)

Technological advances including the refinement of
microchips  are  allowing  scientists  to  record  large
amounts of physiological data from animals wearing
implanted and telemetric devices. Meanwhile, the use of
ACTH stimulation tests and cortisol assays in samples
ranging from blood, saliva, faeces and even eggs is
becoming more commonplace as a means of plotting
trends in physiological stress responses. However, the
importance of diurnal rhythms and the possibility of
physiological fatigue as a result of chronic stress mean
that such measurements should not be interpreted in
isolation from behavioural observations.
2. Changes in behaviour, most notably t

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